Welcome in the world of historical vehicles.
We invite all owners of big motorcycles as well as other old vehicles. Single as well as these with side-cars. M72, K750, MW750, Ural, Dnepr. We invite the owners of historical military vehicles Willys, GAZ, Dodge. We invite the enthusiasts, hobbyists, lovers and collectors of military, classic and historical vehicles. Such marques as BMW, ZUNDAPP, DKW, SOKOL, WILLYS, NSU, Junak, D-Rad lay in the field of our interest. We are greeting also the passengers and riders of these unique old vehicles, who are blowing life and joy into the machines by making thousands and thousands of kilometers. We invite all the people, who want to enjoy the ride and to start the adventure with historical vehicles.
A drive with an old vehicle can be a marvellous experience, relaxation or response to everyday problems. Thanks to our steady activities we are able to offer you many vehicles, accessories, spares and other stuff as well as fully restored vehicles. Oldtimer Garage is a place, where professional attitude, experience and passion are giving great opportunities to fully enjoy a drive with old, but reliable vehicles. The vibrating handlebar, the deep noise coming from the exhausted pipes let us think about the old good times, when there was no plastic and no electronics to be found in the vehicles. Only steel, wood and leather. True, inspiring history on engineers and their groundbreaking constructions. All this and more you will find on the pages of our web site.